Donate to BackTrack Foundation Fund

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At BackTrack, we’re big believers in the saying ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together’. It’s something we see in action every day with our young people. Whether it’s helping them master a new skill, giving them a safe place to sleep at night or finding and helping them keep a job, it takes a village to make it happen. And that village includes our incredible supporters.

BackTrack is funded primarily through private philanthropy and generous donations. Every donation we receive enables us to help more young people who are doing it tough and give them the holistic, flexible and long-term support they need to get their lives back on track. As we look to the future, BackTrack’s got some big goals and a lot of young people depending on us.

We now operate a social enterprise, support a growing Network of like-minded organisations in other communities, and have recently been gifted a working farm on the outskirts of Armidale which offers incredible training, employment and recreational possibilities for our young people. We are so proud to have an incredible support crew of people who believe in our kids as much as we do.

BackTrack Foundation Fund is a Future Fund at Australian Communities Foundation, which is a public charitable foundation. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

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